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Sewing & Embroidery Guides

Serger Thread 101

Serger thread needs to avoid creating bulky seams and is generally thinner or finer than its counterpart, regular sewing machine thread. The Serger thread needs to be fairly smooth and consistent since it will be passing through so many pathways in a

Embroidering with the Specialty Bobbin Case

The specialty Bobbin Case was originally developed for stitching decorative stitches, adding a decorative heavier thread while sewing from the wrong side of the fabric. This gave a cool textured look of the stitches. But this is a technique that can

Binding Edges with Mitered Corners - Single Layer

What you need:. Preparation. In our example we have chosen the finished width to ⅝” (1,5cm) but you can easily change to whatever  width you want following the instructions below:. To determine how wide to cut the strips:. Example:. Finished width fo